Next.js Project Structure02

A list of folders and files conventions in a Next.js project

This page provides an overview of the project structure of a Next.js application. It covers top-level files and folders, configuration files, and routing conventions within the app and pages directories.

Click the file and folder names to learn more about each convention.

Top-level folders

Top-level folders are used to organize your application's code and static assets.

Route segments to path segments
appApp Router
pagesPages Router
publicStatic assets to be served
srcOptional application source folder

Top-level files

Top-level files are used to configure your application, manage dependencies, run middleware, integrate monitoring tools, and define environment variables.

next.config.jsConfiguration file for Next.js
package.jsonProject dependencies and scripts
instrumentation.tsOpenTelemetry and Instrumentation file
middleware.tsNext.js request middleware
.envEnvironment variables
.env.localLocal environment variables
.env.productionProduction environment variables
.env.developmentDevelopment environment variables
.eslintrc.jsonConfiguration file for ESLint
.gitignoreGit files and folders to ignore
next-env.d.tsTypeScript declaration file for Next.js
tsconfig.jsonConfiguration file for TypeScript
jsconfig.jsonConfiguration file for JavaScript

app Routing Conventions

The following file conventions are used to define routes and handle metadata in the app router.